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Satansplain #078 – ECI and the Combination Lock Principle

Explore ECI (Erotic Crystallization Inertia) and The Combination Lock Principle — two Satanic concepts from “The Devil’s Notebook” and their importance to Satanists.

00:00 – Intro
02:02 – About “The Devil’s Notebook” and LaVey’s other books
05:00 – Why ECI is Satanic
06:48 – Erotic Crystallization Inertia (ECI)
16:28 – Thoughts on ECI
23:30 – Why we have Satanic ritual
24:38 – The human phenomenon of ritual. Example: Wade Boggs.
26:04 – The Third Side to Ritual
28:55 – The Combination Lock Principle
30:08 – A point worth repeating
30:20 – The Combination Lock Principle (continued)

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Satansplain #076 – Envy, Anger, and Satanic Statement 3

Envy and anger: two of the so-called “seven deadly sins”, but gratifying virtues for the Satanist when played correctly. Also, exploring the meaning of Satanic Statement #3.

00:00 – Intro
00:58 – The value of reviewing the basics
02:24 – Satanic Statement #3, and when “self-deceit” is not really self-deceit
05:18 – What IS (hypocritical) self-deceit and “undefiled wisdom”
10:05 – Myth of the “Satanic Community”
12:56 – Getting together with other Satanists: no excuses in 2024!
14:36 – Flattery / motivation
15:44 – The 8th Satanic Statement and the 7 Deadly Sins
16:33 – Anger and Envy as motivators
25:00 – Satanism is not a cause (obsessive/compulsive Christian bashing; Satanic Temple still sucks)
28:42 – Yes, We Have No Local Temples

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Satansplain #072 – Myth of Satanic Denominations (“No, it’s not like Catholics vs. Protestants”, part 2)

Continuing from the previous episode, a look at whether various “Satanic” groups can really be called different denominations of Satanism, with a particular look at groups formed after 1966, especially in the age of the Internet. No, it’s still not analogous to Catholics arguing with Protestants.

00:00:00 – Intro
00:02:15 – Review of episode 71, and why the Catholics vs. Protestants is still a bad analogy
00:07:25 – Why I don’t say “LaVeyan”
00:09:15 – Summary of episode 72, and “de facto Satanists”
00:14:26 – Dictionary argument and “Satanism is just any religion about Satan, right?”
00:18:54 – Summary of After 1966 – Theistic LHP Religions
00:23:04 – The Deism-to-Atheism Conspiracy Theory
00:31:15 – Non-theistic Satanic groups and Cevin Soling’s tax shelter (a.k.a. The Satanic Temple)
00:37:49 – Even more pseudo-Satanic groups I’ve seen
00:41:11 – No, these groups haven’t “evolved” anything
00:45:33 – Eco Satanism example, and collective action
00:48:43 – Rising up / Ecumenicalism
00:51:23 – Other lame reasons, e.g. wanting to do crime
00:55:06 – Other excuses: missing the boat on parts of Satanism, conspiracy theories of “Theistic LaVeyans”
00:57:27 – The Internet and the ease of declaring your own denomination/org
01:00:30 – Closing Remarks

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Satansplain #062 – No, QAnon is not a new Satanic Panic (yet?)

Addressing the misconceptions that the QAnon conspiracy theory is the “Satanic Panic 2.0” (it’s not; let’s keep that way), or that “the Satanic Panic never ended” (it did; let’s keep it that way). Also, the difference between personalization and hypocritical self-deceit in the ritual chamber.

00:00 – Intro
01:22 – What was The Satanic Panic?
03:12 – Side note: the curious anti-Semitic origins of these accusations
05:05 – Satanic Panic: it wasn’t just the holy-rollers
10:17 – “Everything is Satanic!”; Dungeons & Dragons; Bob Larson
13:03 – “Michelle Remembers” and false memory syndrome
15:41 – Why the term “LaVeyan Satanism” doesn’t help
17:19 – When the Satanic Panic ended (yes, it did end)
19:19 – What the hell is this “QAnon” thing?
23:04 – Why QAnon is not “Satanic Panic 2.0”
26:32 – Are you sure the “panic” is on the far-RIGHT?
28:37 – Possibilty of a new Satanic Panic and how NOT to fight it
37:45 – Satanecdote
42:38 – Email: “Praying to God” as a Satanic ritual?!?
49:04 – Self-deceit: what it is and isn’t

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Satansplain #061 – The Myth of the “Satanic Community”

There is no “Satanic community”. Learn what Satanists mean by this. Also, Bill answers some listener mail about artificial human companions, doctrines of superiority, and an anecdote about one Satanist’s conspiracy theorist co-worker.

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Satansplain #060 – The 11 Satanic Rules of the Earth

The 11 Satanic Rules of the Earth! While they’re straightforward for most Satanists, Satansplain addresses common questions and misconceptions about things like “lairs”, “mating signals”, “destroying”, “magic”, and other details.

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Satansplain #059 – Dr. Vincent Schitz, PhD in Satanic Memes

Church of Satan Reverend Dave Wallace steps in to interview the team behind the infamous Satanic memes page, “Dr. Vincent Schitz, PhD in Satanic Memes”. Hear all about the history of the page, its past and present meme makers, their creative process, and answers to questions submitted by Dr. Schitz fans. Also, visit the new Satansplain store ( for Dr. Schitz merchandise!

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Satansplain #053 – Let’s You And Him Fight!

“Let’s you and him fight!” cry the onlookers who’d like to see Satanists spar with Christians for their public entertainment. Let’s not. Also: the Satanic calendar year, the concept of I-Theism, and a surprising email from Nigeria.

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Satansplain #051 – Fine, Let’s Play the Dictionary Game

To those who would try to use the dictionary to discredit Satanism: Fine, let’s play the dictionary game. Also, Bill answers some questions about Satanic altars and selectively dealing with trolls on-line.

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Satansplain #047 – The Church of Satan is a legally-recognized religion

The Church of Satan has a long history of being a legally-recognized religious organization. From weddings, to funerals, to the armed forces, to court cases, we’ll look at some examples and what they mean. Also answering listener mail asking for Satanism’s take on astrology and also the Furry phenomenon.

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