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Satansplain #062 – No, QAnon is not a new Satanic Panic (yet?)

Addressing the misconceptions that the QAnon conspiracy theory is the “Satanic Panic 2.0” (it’s not; let’s keep that way), or that “the Satanic Panic never ended” (it did; let’s keep it that way). Also, the difference between personalization and hypocritical self-deceit in the ritual chamber.

00:00 – Intro
01:22 – What was The Satanic Panic?
03:12 – Side note: the curious anti-Semitic origins of these accusations
05:05 – Satanic Panic: it wasn’t just the holy-rollers
10:17 – “Everything is Satanic!”; Dungeons & Dragons; Bob Larson
13:03 – “Michelle Remembers” and false memory syndrome
15:41 – Why the term “LaVeyan Satanism” doesn’t help
17:19 – When the Satanic Panic ended (yes, it did end)
19:19 – What the hell is this “QAnon” thing?
23:04 – Why QAnon is not “Satanic Panic 2.0”
26:32 – Are you sure the “panic” is on the far-RIGHT?
28:37 – Possibilty of a new Satanic Panic and how NOT to fight it
37:45 – Satanecdote
42:38 – Email: “Praying to God” as a Satanic ritual?!?
49:04 – Self-deceit: what it is and isn’t

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Sample from Coast to Coast AM interview

As mentioned earlier, I was a guest on the second half of C2CAM’s (Coast to Coast AM’s) October 24, 2022 show. The interview with me spanned 2 hours. Minus the commercials, I think it was around 75 minutes in total. Here is a sample of the interview, which C2CAM has made available via Spotify. I think on-demand playback of the full episode is only available to C2CAM subscribers. As the show is owned by C2CAM, I obviously and understandably don’t have the rights to share the full recording with you. I will however probably be sharing my thoughts about this interview on the next Satansplain.

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Episode #016 – Satanism and Atheism

Atheism vs. Satanism is a topic that should be simple enough to understand, but all too often gets mangled by people who don’t understand what one or both of the words mean. Hear responses to the most common questions and misconceptions on this topic.