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Satansplain #062 – No, QAnon is not a new Satanic Panic (yet?)

Addressing the misconceptions that the QAnon conspiracy theory is the “Satanic Panic 2.0” (it’s not; let’s keep that way), or that “the Satanic Panic never ended” (it did; let’s keep it that way). Also, the difference between personalization and hypocritical self-deceit in the ritual chamber.

00:00 – Intro
01:22 – What was The Satanic Panic?
03:12 – Side note: the curious anti-Semitic origins of these accusations
05:05 – Satanic Panic: it wasn’t just the holy-rollers
10:17 – “Everything is Satanic!”; Dungeons & Dragons; Bob Larson
13:03 – “Michelle Remembers” and false memory syndrome
15:41 – Why the term “LaVeyan Satanism” doesn’t help
17:19 – When the Satanic Panic ended (yes, it did end)
19:19 – What the hell is this “QAnon” thing?
23:04 – Why QAnon is not “Satanic Panic 2.0”
26:32 – Are you sure the “panic” is on the far-RIGHT?
28:37 – Possibilty of a new Satanic Panic and how NOT to fight it
37:45 – Satanecdote
42:38 – Email: “Praying to God” as a Satanic ritual?!?
49:04 – Self-deceit: what it is and isn’t

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Satansplain #061 – The Myth of the “Satanic Community”

There is no “Satanic community”. Learn what Satanists mean by this. Also, Bill answers some listener mail about artificial human companions, doctrines of superiority, and an anecdote about one Satanist’s conspiracy theorist co-worker.

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Church of Satan on Illuminati (articles from Independent, UK)

Recently The Independent reached out to the Church of Satan to ask our views on Illuminati conspiracy theorists. I ended up speaking to them. You can read the article here:

I managed however to pique the journalist’s interest on the topic of “famous people who may actually be in the Church of Satan”. So she wrote this second short follow-up article:

Much thanks to Becca at The Independent for being a good journalist who can report us with accuracy, unlike people who work for The Telegraph!

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Satansplain #026 – Unraveling the Freemasonry/Illuminati/Satanism Conflation

Freemasons, Illuminati, and Satanism, oh my! Why do so many idiots continue to conflate these three things? Bill digs deeper into the origins of these mix-ups in this follow-up episode to Satansplain #025.

00:00 – Intro
02:30 – Recap of Nigeria (episode #025) and continuation of “part 2”
04:01 – The “TL;DL” Summary
06:10 – The “Eyes Wide Shut” ceremony…
08:31 – …was not “a Satanic ritual”
10:20 – A closer look at “Eyes Wide Shut”
12:06 – The problem with the “Duck” test
13:54 – The Hurricane Katrina “Satanic Symbol” conspiracy theory
14:32 – Robes, robes, robes; theatrics, theatrics, theatrics
17:35 – To the holy rollers who are incapable of having an objective conversation on this topic
18:39 – Fraternal orders
20:56 – …which are not religions
27:13 – Origins of fraternal orders
31:19 – College fraternity experience and why jesus freaks hate fraternal organizations
35:05 – The element of secrecy
42:27 – Skull & Bones vs. (social) fraternities
45:05 – Conspiracy vs. conspiracy theory. Clique vs. secret “Satanic” cabal.
48:10 – The Illuminati
49:58 – “Da Joooos!”
55:19 – Leo Taxil and the origins of Satanic accusations against Freemasons
57:30 – Why the (superficial) similarity in symbols?

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Satansplain #025 – Illuminati Believers in Nigeria

Why do so many people from Africa, especially Nigeria, mistakenly believe Satanists are the Illuminati? And that we’re hiring? Satansplain investigates.

Selected sources:

00:00 – Intro
00:50 – A special message to residents of Africa (especially Nigeria)
03:04 – Joining a Satanic organization will not guarantee you wealth
05:10 – We don’t want you if you don’t already understand Satanism
05:32 – We do not tolerate scams (and neither should you)
06:36 – We don’t have branches/chapters and don’t need them
08:23 – Summary
11:59 – Dealing with messages from Nigeria
15:51 – It happens offline too
17:11 – …and is older than the Internet
18:07 – People conflating Freemasonry / Illuminati / Satanism / wealth
19:53 – Satanism and Freemasonry (and propaganda)
20:16 – Freemasons, the mythical Illuminati, and the defunct Illuminati
23:31 – The ironically Satanic take
24:52 – Why Nigeria? Some not-so-great explanations.
27:00 – “Mud huts” don’t have the Internet, dummy
29:30 – The 419 Scam
37:54 – Nigerian “church” scams
42:33 – Why Nigeria? Some statistics
45:00 – Freedom of religion vs. state religion
46:00 – Religiosity in Nigeria
47:05 – Nigeria and language
47:55 – Nigeria GDP vs. Human Development Index
49:02 – Summary

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Episode #019 – Harvard Radio Interview (2016)

Hear a full, uncut 2016 interview from Harvard University radio on the topic of Satanism and the Church of Satan, covering the basics and beyond.

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Episode #013 – Luciferianism?

What exactly is Luciferianism, and how does it really differ from Satanism? And why does the topic make less sense the more you try to read about it? Also, The Satanic Playing Cards, “Satanecdotes”, recent podcast appearances, and a 3rd-side revisit to political “wokeness”.