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Satansplain #081 – The Satanic Rituals, part 2 of 3

In this second part of a 3-episode exploration of The Satanic Rituals, hear a closer examination of the book’s extensive introductions, plus the infamous Black Mass, “Masonic” ceremony mysteries tracing back to the Knight’s Templar, the Islamic-condemning rituals of the Yazidis, and the ritualized Seventh Satanic Statement, “Das Tierdrama”.

00:00 – Intro
01:35 – The Satanic Rituals: Introduction
03:50 – The Satanic Rituals: Concerning the Rituals
07:08 – Concerning the Rituals (continued)
11:03 – The Black Mass
17:40 – So why is it there?
23:50 – Ceremony of the Stifling Air
26:11 – Pilgrims of the Age of Fire
32:07 – German Lore: Das Tierdrama

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Satansplain #059 – Dr. Vincent Schitz, PhD in Satanic Memes

Church of Satan Reverend Dave Wallace steps in to interview the team behind the infamous Satanic memes page, “Dr. Vincent Schitz, PhD in Satanic Memes”. Hear all about the history of the page, its past and present meme makers, their creative process, and answers to questions submitted by Dr. Schitz fans. Also, visit the new Satansplain store ( for Dr. Schitz merchandise!

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Satansplain #054 – George Carlin and Artificial Intelligence

Recently, Artificial Intelligence was used to artificially construct a new comedy special of deceased American comedian George Carlin, titled “I’m Glad I’m Dead”. Hear a Satanic perspective on George Carlin, this A.I. creation, and A.I. in general, including the limitations of both A.I. and human intelligence.

00:00:00 – Intro
00:02:14 – Summary
00:05:38 – Who was George Carlin?
00:08:11 – Backing up my fanaticism / What makes Carlin Satanic
00:14:20 – Preface to “Brain Droppings”
00:19:01 – About “I’m Glad I’m Dead” and my review of it
00:26:49 – Review, part 2
00:34:25 – A.I. and Pentagonal Revisionism / Carlin’s creativity
00:37:55 – How does A.I. “work”?
00:41:40 – Is the human mind much different? / The limits of categorization
00:48:32 – Unsatanic conclusions
00:52:54 – Fuzzy Logic
01:01:22 – Human nature
01:04:45 – The related fallacy of “Satanism is anything I want it to be”
01:06:48 – The creation of something “new”

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Satansplain #053 – Let’s You And Him Fight!

“Let’s you and him fight!” cry the onlookers who’d like to see Satanists spar with Christians for their public entertainment. Let’s not. Also: the Satanic calendar year, the concept of I-Theism, and a surprising email from Nigeria.

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The Devil’s Mischief turns 20!

Bill celebrates 20 years of his other podcast (and presumably the longest-running Satanic podcast ever), The Devil’s Mischief! This will be the first in a series of 20th anniversary specials. Listen to almost 2 hours of religion-bashing comedy selected from the first year of Devil’s Mischief episodes, some of which you’ve no doubt heard during Satansplain in commercial breaks.

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Satansplain #035 – Marilyn Manson, Marijuana, and Satanism

Answering listener mail about Marilyn Manson, marijuana, and other topics. Also, Bill gives his thoughts on his recent appearance on Comedy Central’s “Tooning Out The News”.