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Satansplain #064 – The Good Old Days

Were the “Good ol’ days” really all that “good”? We’ll explore Anton LaVey’s essay on the topic (spoiler: the answer is, “No!”), and a related college commencement speech from 2024 on the irrationality of claiming collective victim status, paying homage to George Carlin.

00:00 – Intro
00:58 – Satanism and how it relates to this topic
03:56 – “The Good Old Days” by Anton LaVey
20:10 – Satanicdote: Satanism lecture at an ESL class
23:20 – Introduction to the commencement speech
24:24 – “To the Class of 2024: You Are All Diseased”

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Satansplain #042 – Religious, Not Spiritual

While some people love to state “I’m spiritual, not religious”, Satanists are instead religious, not spiritual. Hear a long lost essay on the topic, and answers to listener mail regarding the trans movement, social darwinism, collectivism, and other topics.