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Satansplain #064 – The Good Old Days

Were the “Good ol’ days” really all that “good”? We’ll explore Anton LaVey’s essay on the topic (spoiler: the answer is, “No!”), and a related college commencement speech from 2024 on the irrationality of claiming collective victim status, paying homage to George Carlin.

00:00 – Intro
00:58 – Satanism and how it relates to this topic
03:56 – “The Good Old Days” by Anton LaVey
20:10 – Satanicdote: Satanism lecture at an ESL class
23:20 – Introduction to the commencement speech
24:24 – “To the Class of 2024: You Are All Diseased”

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Episode #004 – Satanism vs. Objectivism

Hear an in-depth examination on the differences between Satanism and Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism. Along the way we’ll debunk the popularly false internet claims that the Anton LaVey’s philosophy is nothing more than “Rand plus Ritual” (it’s not), and that LaVey himself thought this (he didn’t).