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Episode #016 – Satanism and Atheism

Atheism vs. Satanism is a topic that should be simple enough to understand, but all too often gets mangled by people who don’t understand what one or both of the words mean. Hear responses to the most common questions and misconceptions on this topic.

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Episode #013 – Luciferianism?

What exactly is Luciferianism, and how does it really differ from Satanism? And why does the topic make less sense the more you try to read about it? Also, The Satanic Playing Cards, “Satanecdotes”, recent podcast appearances, and a 3rd-side revisit to political “wokeness”.

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Episode #012 – Bill answers “7 Honest Questions for Atheists”

Recently a Christian apologist radio show host posted a list of “Seven Honest Questions For Atheists”. Bill gives his answers, addressing some related topics along the way.

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Episode #011 – Holidays & Schooling

It’s summertime! So why have so many clueless strangers on the internet been telling the Church of Satan to build a school? Learn about Satanic holidays and Satanic schooling in this episode of Satansplain.

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Episode #009 – Debunking the “Kidz Kwik Reference Guide”

Debunking the lies about Satanism and the Church of Satan told in a certain little “Kidz Kwik Reference Guide” infographic that keeps being shared on social media.

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