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Satansplain #065 – Satanism vs. Humanism

A look at Satanism and humanism, their similarities and more importantly their differences. Though to do that, we’ll have to first unpack some bigger topics, such as what makes a religion a religion in the first place. Also, some listener mail about Satanists and social media, as well as Satanic baptisms.

00:00 – Intro
01:21 – The Satanic Bible: “Humanism is not a religion”
02:27 – Satanism is a religion. Non-theistic religions exist. Yes, really.
05:16 – Atheism is not a religion. Neither is monotheism.
06:18 – Dogma: Why the Boy Scouts is not a religion
08:32 – The Dogma of Satanism
10:44 – What do we mean by “Humanism” / Renaissance humanism
13:27 – Secular humanism
15:33 – Similarities: Atheism and Freethought
17:24 – How Satanism and secular humanism differ (myth of “The Greater God”, etc.)
29:09 – Satanists on (or aren’t on) social media
33:40 – Satanecdote: Spam from da Hood
35:35 – Getting a Satanic baptism
40:22 – Bill M. is Marq Torien?

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Satansplain #045 – Satanic Rules of the Earth #1 & #10

A look at Satanic Rules of the Earth numbers 1 and 10. Also, Bill celebrates 20 years of The Devil’s Mischief, and shares some thoughts on a recent Satanic baptism performed, his returning appearance on Reaper’s Underground, and answering questions on criminal records, Satansplain’s theme music, and a hair-raising Satanecdote.

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Satansplain #044 – Satanic Films & Pee-Wee Herman

A look at the Church of Satan suggested film list, plus Bill’s Satanic salute to the late, great Paul Reubens. Also Bill responds to mail on various topics, including finding better Satanism internet forums, and why adding to the word “LaVeyan” before the word “Satanism” is not only redundant but just adds to the confusion.

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Episode #017 – On “Doing Nothing”

People who whine that the Church of Satan “does nothing” seem to have rather anti-Satanic ideas of what constitutes doing “something”. I’ll address this topic, along with finding fellow Satanists in the real world.