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Satansplain #025 – Illuminati Believers in Nigeria

Why do so many people from Africa, especially Nigeria, mistakenly believe Satanists are the Illuminati? And that we’re hiring? Satansplain investigates.

Selected sources:

00:00 – Intro
00:50 – A special message to residents of Africa (especially Nigeria)
03:04 – Joining a Satanic organization will not guarantee you wealth
05:10 – We don’t want you if you don’t already understand Satanism
05:32 – We do not tolerate scams (and neither should you)
06:36 – We don’t have branches/chapters and don’t need them
08:23 – Summary
11:59 – Dealing with messages from Nigeria
15:51 – It happens offline too
17:11 – …and is older than the Internet
18:07 – People conflating Freemasonry / Illuminati / Satanism / wealth
19:53 – Satanism and Freemasonry (and propaganda)
20:16 – Freemasons, the mythical Illuminati, and the defunct Illuminati
23:31 – The ironically Satanic take
24:52 – Why Nigeria? Some not-so-great explanations.
27:00 – “Mud huts” don’t have the Internet, dummy
29:30 – The 419 Scam
37:54 – Nigerian “church” scams
42:33 – Why Nigeria? Some statistics
45:00 – Freedom of religion vs. state religion
46:00 – Religiosity in Nigeria
47:05 – Nigeria and language
47:55 – Nigeria GDP vs. Human Development Index
49:02 – Summary

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Satansplain #023 – Russia and “desatanization”; Bill on Coast to Coast AM

Church of Satan responds to Russia officials call for the “desatanization” of Ukraine. Also, Bill summarizes his recent time as a guest on the nationally syndicated Coast to Coast AM radio show.

Thanks to Kelly Bogues. Check out his music project Zogthorgven on Bandcamp.

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Sample from Coast to Coast AM interview

As mentioned earlier, I was a guest on the second half of C2CAM’s (Coast to Coast AM’s) October 24, 2022 show. The interview with me spanned 2 hours. Minus the commercials, I think it was around 75 minutes in total. Here is a sample of the interview, which C2CAM has made available via Spotify. I think on-demand playback of the full episode is only available to C2CAM subscribers. As the show is owned by C2CAM, I obviously and understandably don’t have the rights to share the full recording with you. I will however probably be sharing my thoughts about this interview on the next Satansplain.

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Satansplain #022 – Satanic Ritual, Altar Tools 101

Satanic ritual! Are too many Satanists rejecting its formal practice, based on misconceptions? Is it as daunting of a task as some newcomers to Satanism perceive it to be? Addressing the choice (not) to ritualize, plus Satanic Altar tools 101.

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Coast to Coast AM on Oct 24, 2022

I’ll be talking about Satanism and the Church of Satan as a guest on Coast to Coast AM. Tune in, if you can!

Note that for most of the western world, this going to be after midnight and thus technically I’ll be on during the morning of Tuesday, Oct 25, 3AM eastern(!).

There are plenty of ways to listen live. You can put on a good ol’ AM radio just about anywhere in the US for one of the syndicated stations. Of course, this being the 21st century, most of these stations will also have an internet live stream you can click on and listen to. For example, go here and click “Play Now”:

(In the show’s description, the link for “history’s longest-running Satanic podcast” was originally pointing to Satansplain, but they have since thankfully corrected it to point to my other podcast, The Devil’s Mischief.)

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Satansplain #021 – Matt Walsh, Anime, Vandalism, “What others think”, Satanic Ritual

Satanic commentary on conservative Matt Walsh and anime. Also vandalism, “caring what people think”, Satanic ritual, Satanic films, and more.

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Episode #020 – The Artificial and The Real

Bill thoroughly answers questions about Artificial Human Companions as well as objective reality, and especially on how they relate to Satanism.

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Episode #019 – Harvard Radio Interview (2016)

Hear a full, uncut 2016 interview from Harvard University radio on the topic of Satanism and the Church of Satan, covering the basics and beyond.