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Satansplain #032 – Inclusion, Exclusion, and Calendars

Hear why Satanism shouldn’t be included in “inclusivity” efforts. Also the basics of the Satanic calendar system, and the folly of trying to exclude certain parts of Satanism from the rest.

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Satansplain #030 – Logic & Fallacies, part 1

Presenting a 2-part special on the topic of logic and fallacies. Here in part 1, we’ll be going over what logic is and isn’t, why Satanists should care about this topic, and finally an introduction to logical fallacies.

Suggested sites:

00:00 – Intro / Why cover this?
06:05 – Why Logic?
08:51 – Logic intro, what logic isn’t, relevance to Satanists
15:40 – What logic is
16:58 – Inductive Reasoning
18:32 – No, it’s not faith
21:38 – Inductive Reasoning, continued
26:31 – Deductive reasoning: propositions & premises
32:27 – Deductive reasoning: Inference & conclusion
32:46 – Deductive reasoning: summary / example / set theory & circles
40:55 – Deductive reasoning: result types
44:03 – Fallacies: Intro
50:33 – Fallacies: Straw Man
52:58 – Fallacies: Personal Incredulity
53:38 – Fallacies: Black & White / Hoyle’s / Argument from Ignorance
59:06 – Fallacies: Shifting the Burden of Proof

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Satansplain #028 – Joining non-Satanic organizations, Church of Satan policy on crime, why Satanic Temple sucks

Bill reads some listener mail, covering topics such as Satanists joining non-Satanic organizations, the Church of Satan’s policy regarding illegal activity, and oh yeah, why The Satanic Temple sucks.

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Satansplain #027 – The 2015 Starbucks Red Cup and 2022 Ye (Kanye West) Controversies

With Christmas approaching, Bill reflects back on the 2015 Starbucks “red cup” controversy, which may offer a Satanic lesson on the zeitgeist, including the recent media hoopla on “Ye” Kanye West.

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Satansplain #026 – Unraveling the Freemasonry/Illuminati/Satanism Conflation

Freemasons, Illuminati, and Satanism, oh my! Why do so many idiots continue to conflate these three things? Bill digs deeper into the origins of these mix-ups in this follow-up episode to Satansplain #025.

00:00 – Intro
02:30 – Recap of Nigeria (episode #025) and continuation of “part 2”
04:01 – The “TL;DL” Summary
06:10 – The “Eyes Wide Shut” ceremony…
08:31 – …was not “a Satanic ritual”
10:20 – A closer look at “Eyes Wide Shut”
12:06 – The problem with the “Duck” test
13:54 – The Hurricane Katrina “Satanic Symbol” conspiracy theory
14:32 – Robes, robes, robes; theatrics, theatrics, theatrics
17:35 – To the holy rollers who are incapable of having an objective conversation on this topic
18:39 – Fraternal orders
20:56 – …which are not religions
27:13 – Origins of fraternal orders
31:19 – College fraternity experience and why jesus freaks hate fraternal organizations
35:05 – The element of secrecy
42:27 – Skull & Bones vs. (social) fraternities
45:05 – Conspiracy vs. conspiracy theory. Clique vs. secret “Satanic” cabal.
48:10 – The Illuminati
49:58 – “Da Joooos!”
55:19 – Leo Taxil and the origins of Satanic accusations against Freemasons
57:30 – Why the (superficial) similarity in symbols?

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Satansplain #025 – Illuminati Believers in Nigeria

Why do so many people from Africa, especially Nigeria, mistakenly believe Satanists are the Illuminati? And that we’re hiring? Satansplain investigates.

Selected sources:

00:00 – Intro
00:50 – A special message to residents of Africa (especially Nigeria)
03:04 – Joining a Satanic organization will not guarantee you wealth
05:10 – We don’t want you if you don’t already understand Satanism
05:32 – We do not tolerate scams (and neither should you)
06:36 – We don’t have branches/chapters and don’t need them
08:23 – Summary
11:59 – Dealing with messages from Nigeria
15:51 – It happens offline too
17:11 – …and is older than the Internet
18:07 – People conflating Freemasonry / Illuminati / Satanism / wealth
19:53 – Satanism and Freemasonry (and propaganda)
20:16 – Freemasons, the mythical Illuminati, and the defunct Illuminati
23:31 – The ironically Satanic take
24:52 – Why Nigeria? Some not-so-great explanations.
27:00 – “Mud huts” don’t have the Internet, dummy
29:30 – The 419 Scam
37:54 – Nigerian “church” scams
42:33 – Why Nigeria? Some statistics
45:00 – Freedom of religion vs. state religion
46:00 – Religiosity in Nigeria
47:05 – Nigeria and language
47:55 – Nigeria GDP vs. Human Development Index
49:02 – Summary