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Satansplain #066 – 1966, The Black Flame, Get a Life!

The number 66 may not be 666, but it does prompt us to take a look at the year 1966, with the book “We Are Satanists” offering much insight into the foundation of the Church of Satan. We’ll also hear Anton LaVey’s later message to the scavengers and detractors of what he established (“Get a life!”), and the meaning of “the black flame”.

00:00 – Intro
03:20 – On (not) joining the COS: valid reasons and invalid reasons
09:41 – More lame reasons we hear
12:28 – Anton LaVey: “Get a Life” essay
16:13 – Santecdote
20:48 – Will AI replace comedians?
23:11 – The Black Flame
27:47 – Excerpts from “We Are Satanists” (and misuse of “Anton”)
30:15 – “Anton LaVey invented Satanism”
32:40 – All religion founders had their influences
34:21 – More from “We Are Satanists”

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Satansplain #063 – The Balance Factor and Satanic Magic

The Balance Factor! Hear how this concept relates to the more broader concept of “magic” in Satanism, which of course means first addressing some misconceptions about Satanic magic itself. Also, answering some listener mail about the “LaVeyan Satanism” misnomer, a history-confused Wiccan, and other questions.

00:00 – Intro

00:56 – Rust’s email

02:06 – What is “The Balance Factor”? Working definition from We Are Satanists.

04:18 – Recap: Satanism is a non-theistic religion and this isn’t supernatural. RTFM.

09:50 – The Balance Factor, and greater magic for “that remaining push needed”

13:38 – The Satanic BIble on “The Balance Factor”

18:12 – Bill’s “ribbon-cutting ceremony” analogy

26:48 – “My Wiccan girlfriend says you should call yourselves ‘neo-Satanists’!”

32:00 – Why the term “LaVeyan Satanism” is a misnomer

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Satansplain #032 – Inclusion, Exclusion, and Calendars

Hear why Satanism shouldn’t be included in “inclusivity” efforts. Also the basics of the Satanic calendar system, and the folly of trying to exclude certain parts of Satanism from the rest.