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Satansplain #063 – The Balance Factor and Satanic Magic

The Balance Factor! Hear how this concept relates to the more broader concept of “magic” in Satanism, which of course means first addressing some misconceptions about Satanic magic itself. Also, answering some listener mail about the “LaVeyan Satanism” misnomer, a history-confused Wiccan, and other questions.

00:00 – Intro

00:56 – Rust’s email

02:06 – What is “The Balance Factor”? Working definition from We Are Satanists.

04:18 – Recap: Satanism is a non-theistic religion and this isn’t supernatural. RTFM.

09:50 – The Balance Factor, and greater magic for “that remaining push needed”

13:38 – The Satanic BIble on “The Balance Factor”

18:12 – Bill’s “ribbon-cutting ceremony” analogy

26:48 – “My Wiccan girlfriend says you should call yourselves ‘neo-Satanists’!”

32:00 – Why the term “LaVeyan Satanism” is a misnomer

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Satansplain #043 – Satanism is Americanism

In a 1971 letter, Anton LaVey declared “Satanism is Americanism”. Hear the full meaning of this, as Magister Bill celebrates July 4th and answers some listener mail himself.

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Satansplain #030 – Logic & Fallacies, part 1

Presenting a 2-part special on the topic of logic and fallacies. Here in part 1, we’ll be going over what logic is and isn’t, why Satanists should care about this topic, and finally an introduction to logical fallacies.

Suggested sites:

00:00 – Intro / Why cover this?
06:05 – Why Logic?
08:51 – Logic intro, what logic isn’t, relevance to Satanists
15:40 – What logic is
16:58 – Inductive Reasoning
18:32 – No, it’s not faith
21:38 – Inductive Reasoning, continued
26:31 – Deductive reasoning: propositions & premises
32:27 – Deductive reasoning: Inference & conclusion
32:46 – Deductive reasoning: summary / example / set theory & circles
40:55 – Deductive reasoning: result types
44:03 – Fallacies: Intro
50:33 – Fallacies: Straw Man
52:58 – Fallacies: Personal Incredulity
53:38 – Fallacies: Black & White / Hoyle’s / Argument from Ignorance
59:06 – Fallacies: Shifting the Burden of Proof