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The Devil’s Mischief turns 20!

Bill celebrates 20 years of his other podcast (and presumably the longest-running Satanic podcast ever), The Devil’s Mischief! This will be the first in a series of 20th anniversary specials. Listen to almost 2 hours of religion-bashing comedy selected from the first year of Devil’s Mischief episodes, some of which you’ve no doubt heard during Satansplain in commercial breaks.

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Satansplain #044 – Satanic Films & Pee-Wee Herman

A look at the Church of Satan suggested film list, plus Bill’s Satanic salute to the late, great Paul Reubens. Also Bill responds to mail on various topics, including finding better Satanism internet forums, and why adding to the word “LaVeyan” before the word “Satanism” is not only redundant but just adds to the confusion.

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Satansplain #043 – Satanism is Americanism

In a 1971 letter, Anton LaVey declared “Satanism is Americanism”. Hear the full meaning of this, as Magister Bill celebrates July 4th and answers some listener mail himself.

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Reaper’s Underground, June 20th @ 8pm Central[0]=AZU0MLqQTJbnolfwcNxR0-c11SchelE15ywETlffjaMxDD8WS6n4dnFxvHrQRcdzzUiLtJkLK6YmL8cnwZ7zzywS0MW854jRGgD520orUecUVUhn3xFi4Y4LkZ2GubRU0KrMnhmd6aqDLXXs330Qb2ubCQImI-EAAS9GBDhlL20EpIKxcfzdCEMxFCHt1PfTunfW9i-7VpTNIKpVLkcV2aQy&tn=%2CO%2CP-y-R

I’ll be a guest on the Reaper’s Underground podcast this upcoming Tuesday, June 20th at 8pm Central. This will be a live stream, probably running about an hour. Description from the Facebook page:

Special announcement my Demons! I’m truly honored and humbled to announce that the Church of Satan Magister Bill M., host of the Satansplain podcast show will be joining me in the Underground THIS TUESDAY June 20th 8pm CST! This special edition is not just for me as a fellow Satanist, but for everyone who has been wanting to know what being a real Satanist is, misconceptions, and truths! We’ll be discussing all things Satan, his amazing informative podcast show Satansplain, history of the CoS, Anton Lavey, modern day Satanism and so much more! Join us this Tuesday to interact with Magister Bill and get your questions answered!!!


No ignorance will be tolerated of any kind, the comment section will be monitored, no political discussion will be had, this interview will be a safe, fun and informative discussion!

Catch all the laughs and debauchery that will ensue live only on Reaper’s Underground and Black Flame Entertainment Facebook pages and YouTube channels! Be there. No excuses. You bring the snacks, I’ll bring the bourbon. Hail Satan.

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Satansplain #042 – Religious, Not Spiritual

While some people love to state “I’m spiritual, not religious”, Satanists are instead religious, not spiritual. Hear a long lost essay on the topic, and answers to listener mail regarding the trans movement, social darwinism, collectivism, and other topics.

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Satansplain #040 – Spotlights, Dimbulbs, and Shine

Satansplain celebrates its first anniversary with “Spotlights, Dimbulbs, and Shine”, a special talk that was presented only at the Church of Satan’s 50th anniversary gathering in 2016. Magister Bill shares his own observations concerning members who’ve come in and out of the spotlight over the years, the dimbulbs who don’t get Satanism, and how Satanists might maximize their potential.

00:00 – Intro
05:13 – Overview
11:22 – Spotlights
20:53 – Dimbulbs
42:38 – Shine

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Support Satansplain via eBay

Some listeners have said they’d like to show their support for this show, and asked if I have a Patreon or similar place to accept tips. At this time, I do not. You can however greatly help me out by bidding on any of my eBay auctions. I have lots of stuff. And I mean LOTS. And I like to see this stuff go to homes where it will be better appreciated. So if you’d like to help out, my eBay channel is here. On most orders I’ll ship worldwide.

I also plan on having some special items this summer for The Devil’s Mischief’s 20th anniversary. Stay tuned. Hail Satan!