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Episode #005 – Satanism and Politics

Satanism and politics: a topic that real Satanists have had to explain many times, yet bears repeating! Also, Bill replies to some listener mail.

Image source:, used with permission.

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Episode #004 – Satanism vs. Objectivism

Hear an in-depth examination on the differences between Satanism and Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism. Along the way we’ll debunk the popularly false internet claims that the Anton LaVey’s philosophy is nothing more than “Rand plus Ritual” (it’s not), and that LaVey himself thought this (he didn’t).

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Episode #003 – Satanism & Comedy, Satire & Reality

Satansplain looks at the Satanic virtue of comedy, celebrating the 666th episode of the Satanic comedy podcast The Devil’s Mischief. Also, exploring the thin line between satire and reality with a look at the Babylon Bee.

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Episode #002 – Correcting Lies of the “Your Magic” & “Morbid” podcasts

The “Your Magic” podcast (also airing via “Morbid: The True Crime Podcast”) interviewed Magister Bill but ended up misrepresenting Satanism and the Church of Satan. Thankfully that show’s creator has since apologized and will issue a correction. Meanwhile, hear the facts along with the original uncut interview.