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Sample from Coast to Coast AM interview

As mentioned earlier, I was a guest on the second half of C2CAM’s (Coast to Coast AM’s) October 24, 2022 show. The interview with me spanned 2 hours. Minus the commercials, I think it was around 75 minutes in total. Here is a sample of the interview, which C2CAM has made available via Spotify. I think on-demand playback of the full episode is only available to C2CAM subscribers. As the show is owned by C2CAM, I obviously and understandably don’t have the rights to share the full recording with you. I will however probably be sharing my thoughts about this interview on the next Satansplain.

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Satansplain #022 – Satanic Ritual, Altar Tools 101

Satanic ritual! Are too many Satanists rejecting its formal practice, based on misconceptions? Is it as daunting of a task as some newcomers to Satanism perceive it to be? Addressing the choice (not) to ritualize, plus Satanic Altar tools 101.

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Satansplain #021 – Matt Walsh, Anime, Vandalism, “What others think”, Satanic Ritual

Satanic commentary on conservative Matt Walsh and anime. Also vandalism, “caring what people think”, Satanic ritual, Satanic films, and more.

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Episode #020 – The Artificial and The Real

Bill thoroughly answers questions about Artificial Human Companions as well as objective reality, and especially on how they relate to Satanism.

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Episode #019 – Harvard Radio Interview (2016)

Hear a full, uncut 2016 interview from Harvard University radio on the topic of Satanism and the Church of Satan, covering the basics and beyond.

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Satansplain #018 – Closet Satanists, Eugenics, The Satanic Witch, For-the-Money Myth, Self-Improvement

In this episode, I answer several questions from YOU the listeners, regarding such topics as: being a closet Satanist in the corporate world, the Satanic Witch, eugenics, along with a bogus claim that never seems to die about about Anton LaVey, and finally some testimony on Satanism improving the lives of Satanists.

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Episode #017 – On “Doing Nothing”

People who whine that the Church of Satan “does nothing” seem to have rather anti-Satanic ideas of what constitutes doing “something”. I’ll address this topic, along with finding fellow Satanists in the real world.

00:00 – Intro
00:56 – About Satanic essays & Satansplain
03:28 – “On The Doing of Nothing” (essay)
08:36 – What “should” be we “doing”?
10:36 – Maine school example / theocracy
13:36 – The folly of playing the copy-cat game
14:27 – Parody religions (of which Satanism is not)
16:48 – “FigHt fuR reLiJuS RiGhTs” / political fights
20:46 – “eDjuCayT dA MaSeS!”
21:37 – No, we don’t need grottos
24:46 – “Hi, I live in Potatosack, Ohio.”
26:24 – “BuiLd mE a sAtaNic goTh CLuB!”
28:20 – The bigger problem with “Well ‘somebody’ needs to do this thing for me.”
30:57 – Action happens at the individual level
33:50 – Demanding a Satanist do something for you?
37:13 – Thanks, Mark!
38:38 – Satanicdote
40:05 – Spotting a fellow Satanist in the wild
46:28 – Church of Satan membership and benefits
49:03 – Getting what you put into it
51:58 – Example: Radio Free Satan
57:29 – Member networking online
01:00:34 – Closing remarks

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Episode #016 – Satanism and Atheism

Atheism vs. Satanism is a topic that should be simple enough to understand, but all too often gets mangled by people who don’t understand what one or both of the words mean. Hear responses to the most common questions and misconceptions on this topic.